Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bad day!

Wednesday last week was a crazy day. So many things happen wrong on this day, but I can only think of a few... First off I woke up with the worst headache in the world, I could not even lift my head up. I finally figured out why... My oxygen level was on the very max it could go. I had too much oxygen during the night. Someone turned it up (I am assuming it was Carter). The twins next door moved... I was totally bummed about it. They gave me a dozen of eggs and a gallon of milk that they couldn't take with them. I decided to make egg salad sandwiches for me and the kids. I got the eggs boiling and set the timer. The phone rang and it was my sweet Mom. I went into the bedroom to talk to her in peace. It didn't seem like long when I heard a pop. Assuming the kids were just goofing off I didn't budge, then Janika comes in my room freaking out. I never heard the buzzer. Look what happened....

The water had evaporated out of the pan and one of the eggs exploded. Needless to say we had tuna sandwiches instead. The house still stinks...

Whitney was in charge of YW and she put together this beautiful fruit tray. We had 2 minutes to get to the church and she had her hands full with all of her stuff, so I grabbed the fruit. The lid popped off and all of the fruit went all over the ground it was destroyed because it landed in the garage. So I sent Whitney to the church and I ran back to Albertsons and re bought all the food and re cut it up. Sigh...

So many things went wrong this day some I can't remember.... The other day I got pooped on by a bird..... Who gets pooped on by a bird??? I just had to throw that one in GEEEZZZZ!!!!

1. McKoy is back!
2. Washer and Dryers!
3. Drive in movies!


DeAnna Dahl Kemple said...

Trying to talk to Mom in peace and look what happens I feel bad because I know what a mess that is to clean up.Things could get worse and they did when you lost all the fruit. Oh well life goes on and it makes a great blog.I am old and life for me is some times very boring. Love MOM

Unknown said...

Oh my! The burning eggs trick is something that I would do - I never hear the timer go off. Lucky for me my MIL is here and has been turning off the food that I have left cooking downstairs!

Holly said...

I am so sorry to hear about your day! I hate days like that where everything goes wrong...or just seems like it. BTW, Layne got pooped on by a bird on his head while standing in our drive way working on his boat....that was so funny!


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