Friday, August 8, 2008

At the Car Wash Yeah!!

Funny how I can turn going to the car wash into fun!

The Car wash and The code

Going in...................The soap

Rainbow soap..................The rinse
This is the best part, me rolling down McKoy's window during the rinse cycle! Another one of my car wash victims....dun dun dun....
Enjoying a McDonald's 99 cent coke, they are awesome!

1. McKoy tending the kids while I cleaned the house
2. Running into my sweet heart (Ivan) at McDonald's
3. Liquid fabric softener

1 comment:

Straight to Your Hart said...

Love the new to see more..miss glad Mckoy is with you...she is so, so darling and helpful..see you tomorrow!?? Kisses and hugs and much gooshing!!


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