Sunday, September 7, 2008

I Lost Morgan

I couldn't find Morgan.She was hiding in the bathtub, gave me a heart attack!
Silly baby!
1. Baby Blessing (the best food)
2. Seeing all the Smith Family
3. Casey moved to KS


McKoy said...

lol THE SAME THING HAPPENED TO ME when I was babysitting there are 6 kids and a toddler the toddler went missing I was freakin out cuz she can open the door and with 6 other kids its hard to keep track of them all so I looked everywhere then I heard her cry she was in the bathtub!!! I was like few its like 1 hundred pounds lifted off your sholder!

DeAnna Dahl Kemple said...

It was great to see our Smith family aren't they wonderful.We loved sitting by you in church. Love Mom

Heidi said...

That's so funny! I have never known a baby to do that before. (I guess mine were never good enough at climbing at that age). I would have been a mess--I would never have thought to look in the tub!

Straight to Your Hart said...

She is such a doll...great play area, so smart!! Gooshes,,,swak!


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