Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Memory Lane......

My friend Holly had this on her blog and I couldn't resist to participate. Leave me a comment!

Leave me a memory about you and I! First time meeting, funny, sad, crazy events etc.
Here is how you play:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.

1. Ivan took the kids to Lagoon and I am alone
2. Snuggling up with Ivan, watching a chick flick until 2:30 am
3. YW/YM Activity was so fun, until someone got hurt :(


Holly said...

What? Someone got hurt at the party? Abbie or Layne didnt mention it! Anyways, I left you my comment about you on my blog.

:) Thanks for being a wonderful person and a awesome leader for Abbie. She kinda thinks you cool...don't blow it :) LOL

Straight to Your Hart said...

There are so many, like our first meeting at the park...CJ milkshakes, hunting down Mexican Coke...RoLling down the back windows during the car wash to see how the kids would react...CODe Brown (thank you to our local licensing division, clean bathrooms for all who are curious). Is it okay to say that much??? Love you, Mel

Karolynn said...

Melanie, I could write a book about memories with you. But this is my most important one...

The day you invited me to lunch. I was a person with no friends, not sure of myself and you came up to me at church and said "We should go to lunch" THANK YOU! THANK YOU! That lunch changed my life and I am so happy to have you for a friend, thanks for taking me under your wing. I love how are always making people feel good and loved. On a funny note. Christmas shopping at the mall, when that lady took your parking spot. WHAT WOULD JESUS DO, MELANIE! LOL!!!

Karolynn said...

Holly, you are right you can say anything around me! I am a very colorful person for sure. I get it from my Grandma Dahl!!!

Anonymous said...

On of my first strong memories of you was when you opened the door and I saw your face for the first time. You had this big smile on your glowing face as your hair flung through the air! We then went on our first date and when I dropped you off, I gave you a hug and felt butterflies like I've never felt before. And you told me you felt them too! And we hugged again and they returned. That moment was pivotal in changing our lives for the better.

Karolynn said...

Ivan, I have a ton of fun and special memories with you! I too remember that day of our first date. When I opened the door, I was so nervous to meet you and I thought he is so handsome! You were so kind to me and so cute with your little portfolio, you didn't make fun of me when I could no longer walk, you sat down in the dirt with me. I love you! My funniest memory is the day you put on Whitney’s shirt LOL!!!! I am so glad I took a photo!

Straight to Your Hart said...

Thank you 2 angels for commenting to each other...brings a tear to my eye...oh wait I've had lots of those today...Thank you you, Mel

McKoy said...

my favorite memorie is definitly us going to the store looking like total crap!!! and that one lady kept on saying i have a little one in the car! and we didnt get ready for the day till way late! i loved belting out disney songs with you and whit in the car! those are a few times that ive loved i widh that we could spend more time with each other! so then we could have lots mroe memeries and stories i luv ya very much!

Karolynn said...

McKoy, One memory of you is when you were baptized. You looked so beautiful! You played the violin. You are so talented! I also loved you trying to get with that diver guy at the Mayan that was great fun!

Karolynn said...

McKoy, One memory of you is when you were baptized. You looked so beautiful! You played the violin. You are so talented! I also loved you trying to get with that diver guy at the Mayan that was great fun!


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