Thursday, July 10, 2008

Library Fun!

Today we went to the library. The Ogden nature center came and brought a couple of cool birds for the kids to see. One was a pelican he was so big and the kids were amazed by him. The other one was an owl. It was so cool to learn all about these birds.

Carter did really well with the crowd for about a 1/2 hour, then he started bugging other kids really bad, so bad I had to pull him away from the kids. I talked him into sitting in Morgans stroller so he could play with my camera and that lasted him about 10 minutes. I swear when Carter gets like this time seems to stop. So it was an extra long hour for me and I was glad to leave. Another child about 2 1/2 was screaming all through the library and the Mother was struggling. It was not a normal type of scream, it was a Carter type and my heart ached for this young mother as she struggled with a baby about 10 months old and a child about 5, trying to get the heck out of the library. I know that feeling all to well and no one ever offers to help, they just give you dirty looks and you feel all alone and embarrassed. I wished I could have helped her, but I had my hands full trying to keep Carter from having a melt down.
This is the look Carter gets when he is done, this is his "Autistic Look" It breaks my heart.

1. Ivan's fixing a toy room for the kids
2. Friends inviting me to the library with them
3. Whitney got a cell phone in Hawaii


Straight to Your Hart said...

I'm so glad Whit got a phone..whoohoo and that you were able to go out to the library. You have such a compassionate heart and I am so grateful for that quality in of many I love so dearly....Mel

Straight to Your Hart said...

Gotta leave another one...just read Hollys comment about the chimpmunks and had to say...yah, yah to your choice Karolynn. I love the gooshie munk and the smart one...there is just somethin about the "red!" U Mel

Anonymous said...

WE do love coming up to spend time with all of the children. We pray for Carter and we are always glad and happy for any improvement.He is doing good at talking now he trys so hard. Janika's dance pictures are so cute and so are Carter's new pictures.Morgan just lights up the room for me. Love MOM

McKoy said...

that is a cute look you have to admit i hate it when i cant help people it breaks my heart!!!


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