Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Camping fun.. Well some of it...

The Snake (yuck)!

Waiting while Daddy fished. I played red light, green light with Janika about 50 times.

Going for little walks.

Visitors came. My parents, Ivan's parents, Kurtis, Kole, Bryce, Renee and Thomas. We love visitors! Especially ones who bring chicken and ice cream.

Snack Time.

Singing songs by the fire.

This is the trailer we bought a couple of months ago. It is a used one so we wanted to test it out close to home in case we had any problems. We went to Willard Bay about 35 minutes away from home. Guess what? We had problems that totally ruined Saturday. We forgot a funnel to add water to the tank. The thing on the hitch broke (couldn't get home without that fixed). Last of all we have a leak. Good thing Ivan's Dad lives 10 minutes away. He came to our rescue and fixed EVERYTHING for us.

Fun on the logs.
Sunday and Monday were the best. We were so happy and having fun until we had to leave. On our way out of the campground we stopped at the RV waste Dump to dump or waste (aka pee). While at the waste dump I stepped into the drain area and twisted my ankle and fell. When I fell I heard a snap. It was so embarrassing! The camp host got me some ice and we were on our way to the hospital. It is broken and ligaments are pulled. I totally can compare the pain to child birth only it wont go away.

They put me in this boot thing. It was a minor break (doesn't feel like it) so I didn't need a cast. This thing is really nice because I can take it off to shower. I can hobble to the bathroom now so I am making progress! My neighbor called to see if I had done my visiting teaching and asked me how I was doing. I usually always say I am fine to people because no one likes a complainer, but I was hurting and I told her the truth. Well guess what? My door bell rang and she brought us dinner! She even took out my garbage. I am so touched and Ivan was glad not to have to worry about cooking tonight. I am pretty drugged up right now so I had better go. Plus I have to pee and it will take me a few minutes to get to the bathroom. hehehe
UPDATE... I forgot to add that Whitney came up Saturday night and got stung on the chin by a wasp. It was bad! Good thing I packed Benadryl and baking soda. She did not come back the next day. She was done!


Marie said...

Hey, if you need anything let me know!!! I hope you get better..

John and Misty said...

Holy Cow--what a trip! So sorry you broke your ankle. That's horrible! I'll call tomorrow about the kids and a meal...

Superman! said...

Holy snakeys, Batman! That was some trip! A little romance, adventure, mishaps... We have like the cutest kids, and they were sooooo Grrrrrrreat!!

DeAnna Dahl Kemple said...

So sorry that you broke your ankle your family was having such a good time when we were there. Hope you will get well soon. Thanks to all of those who are helping you.especially Ivan.Thank goodness for pain meds.

Kari Sweeten said...

OUCH!! Dang girl, that sounds like you're in a lot of pain. So sorry!

Anisha said...

Oh you poor thing. I was secretly watching Ivan back the trailer into the driveway when you got home. I was impressed, it usually takes Stephen more tries than that. I did notice you hobbling out of the car after and I told Stephen I thought you had gotten hurt. Too bad my eyes can't see far enough to notice you had a walking cast on, I would have run right over to help. Let me know if you want to send Janika over for a playdate.

Straight to Your Hart said...

K...why do we wait so long to talk?? Silly I tell ya. Can I come take a few happy pills with you??

Love you!


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