Saturday, November 1, 2008

McKoy Tagged me...

8 things

8 TV. shows I watch
1. Survivor
2. ER
3. Days of our lives
4. Keeping up with the Kardashian's
5. Yo Gabba gabba
6. Dora
7. Diego
8. Max and Ruby

8 things that happened yesterday
1. I made up a song in the shower about a mean person, it felt good!
2. I went to two Halloween parties
3. Got to see my Mom and Dad
4. Went to Ivan’s work and took advantage of the free coke machine in the break room. He has a cool office!
5. Went trick-or-treating
6. Went to an open house
7. Ate dinner at the Sizzler (aka Shizzler)
8. Took a shower at 2am

8 favorite places to eat
1. The Roof
2. Red Lobster
3. My Mom’s house
4. Golden Corral
5. Johnny Carinos
6. Magic Wok
7. McDonald's (aka rotten Ronnie’s)
8. Spaghetti factory

8 things I'm looking forward too...
1. Morgan’s Birthday
2. Janika’s Birthday
3. Date night with Ivan
4. Family dinner at Shirley’s
5. Pay day
6. Surgery (sounds strange, but true)
7. Ivan finishing the house remodeling
8. Thanksgiving

8 things on my wish list
1. Cure for Autism (at least find out what causes it)
2. New Car
3. New house
4. To not have chronic pain
5. More money (can always use some of that)
6. My parents would live closer to me
7. Morgan would sleep through the night
8. My brother John would go on Last Comic Standing (he is so funny)

I am suppose to tag 8 people, but I will just tag anyone who wants to do it.


Kari Sweeten said...

Did the Hunt's do their annual Halloween party? That was always fun!

patsy said...

Great journaling with that list- chronic pain? surgery? what's that about...

I too wish there was a cure for autism- I wish I could help you with that-- what can I do? If you ever need a sitter during the day-- seriously I could help-- I'm not kidding here!

McKoy said...

My dad does hit me funny!! What were you for Halloween???? LOVE YOU~!~*! sooooooooooooooooooo much my dad just loves you so much too! he says so all the time!

Straight to Your Hart said...

Foot Doctor??? Oh wait that's on my wish-list...!!! So good to chat..I mean have a refreshing Sunday School lesson during at the same time next week LOL!!

Donna said...

Fun list! Have you read Jenny McCarthy's books about autism? They look like they're very informative as to what may cause autism and things that can help cure it or at least lessen its effects.

Linda said...

So, did I miss something???? How DID Ivan cut his finger??? I loved reading your tag list. I learned too/so much about you!! You are just one of my heros. I want to be just like you when I grow up.


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