Thursday, December 4, 2008


Have any of you wondered where I have gone? Well, I got spy ware and it is really bad! Ivan has been working on it all week and still can't get it off. I really shouldn't be on his computer, but I can't stand it any longer, I have to blog about something. Ivan, I promise not to download anything (well other then this photo). I am known for braking laptops, but this virius/spy ware thing is a new one for me.
This week has been great, my neck is feeling a lot better, the Christmas tree is up and decorated, Ivan put lights on the outside of the house and we are almost done Christmas shopping. Now if I could get my computer fixed. I am really frightened because I know if Ivan can't fix it no one can.
We are all doing great! Ivan is working still which is always nice this time of year, I just got released from the YW and put in as the RS secretary. Whitney is going to school a lot and dating, so I don't get to see her too very much. Janika is busy playing with all of her birthday gifts and going to preschool. Carter is watching Wall E and going to preschool. Morgan is just being her sweet little self as usual. That is about it at our house. Now lets cross our fingers that my computer will be fixed soon so that I can start blogging again!
1. Norma taking time out to show me how to dip chocolate, she is amazing!
2. My new SUV (it warms my bum on a cold day)
3. Carl's Jr (kids eat free on Wednesday)


Holly said...

Just wanted to stop by and wish you a Happy Holidays!

Marie said...

I hope you get your laptop fixed. I totally know how that is. Jon put Vista on ours, and it wiped everything out. Including our pictures. I was so mad! Oh well. Good luck!!

Donna said...

Thanks for the update on how you and your family are doing. I hope your computer gets fixed soon. Computer problems can be such a pain. And, no more minivan?! SUV!? Congratulations! What kind did you get? I LOVE my Highlander!

Straight to Your Hart said...

Thanks good to see you updated! I feel I have to touch lightly while I'm trying to be sneaky..WTH?!!

McKoy said...

I know huh? Ive been checking your blog like every day and Was shocked of no new posts or comments from ya!!!!!!!! COME BACK

Straight to Your Hart said...

Mom says..Hey cutie pie, you always make me laugh..I need a good laugh right now!! Me and Melie gooshie you!!

Anonymous said...

I was wondering where you were!! Hope your computer gets fixed ASAP!!!

DeAnna Dahl Kemple said...

Glad your neck is getting better!! You sure need to feel good for the Holidays. This is a busy and special time of the year we have really enjoyed getting the house ready for Christmas and now the fun begins.Lots of party's,programs etc I can hardly wait.Christmas day at Aunt Shelly's will be a blast!!


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