Thursday, July 23, 2009

Fast Sunday Leaders Option....

Next week it is my turn (weehaw I am so excited) to teach Relief Society. I had this cute little lesson all planed and have even been collecting little decorations for the table. Silly me decided that it would be a good idea to actually pray about what subject to teach on. Well... I had to change the lesson entirely I could not go against the strong promptings that I had. I just finished writing the lesson and now I have to start all over. This lessons is probably for me! I have really been struggling with things lately, mostly to do with Carter. He is really having a lot of good days lately and is really being a sweet boy. It is more like I am feeling bad for him because he doesn't have any friends. I am thinking it will be a struggle for him for the rest of his life and it breaks my heart. Then today I saw on a blog something that really hurt even more and confirmed to me that Carter is an outsider and will probably always be. He has social issues with other children. Instead of saying hi to someone he will make a funny, loud noise or touch them. Other kids do not like this and I really understand, but it is just hard as a mother to watch. So I look at him and ask why? Why does this darling, loving little boy have to be so different? Why does it hurt me so much? Why are people so judgemental? I have been dealing with people's rude comments and dirty looks for far too long now. Can you guess what I will be teaching on? You got it! Trials and Adversity... I know this is really Carter's trial, but why does it feel like mine? Now please wish me luck and pray really hard for me. I am not a public speaker in anyway. When I taught the YW I would seriously have a nervous break down. Can you imagine what I will be like teaching RS?

This is my little man Carter! He is always telling me how fat I am. He didn't start talking until he was 3 and the first thing he said to me was "Mom you are fat". Standing in line for rides at Lagoon he seriously tells me you are too fat for the ride. So he really enjoys insulting me. Last night while waiting for a ride at Lagoon. He said to me "Mom you are a nice Mom and the funnest Mom". Then we went on the sky ride together and I pretended to be frightened. He grabbed my arm and put it around his back and held on tight and told me "I'll save you". I wished EVERYONE could know him like I do.



patsy said...

Oh I can feel your pain-

It really does get easier- then harder- than easier- then harder... you know.

At the elementary school trent is in a "play group" they meet everyweek & work on social skills. They roll play different social situations- like how to let someone know you want to play with them etc. This will really help Carter! I petitioned the district & got trent into speech when he was 31/2 it really helped & it was free & at the school, which I think helped with his transition into school- I just talked to the speech therapist & she told me what to do. It was easy- just an idea...
ps. you are doing a great job- mom
You can bet I will be at R.S. on sunday- Now I have a reason to want to go!!

Donna said...

What a sweet, unique boy he is. I can understand to a certain extent what you're going through. My heart has been heavy lately with worries about my son's issues. He has mild autism spectrum disorder, so he's mostly "normal" but sometimes he has some social quirks and they worry me and sometimes break my heart. I've found a lot of power and comfort in prayer--in praying for him and in praying for Heavenly Father to help me be the best mother I can for him. Also, researching and reading about the issues--getting educated about it--helps me too.

Good luck with your lesson! I'd be nervous too but I bet you'll do well since you're following the Spirit!

McKoy said...

I love him so much! I really do, I think he is great! He deserves all the friends in the world. I loved talking to him in the car, that was one of my favorite parts of staying with you. He taught me how to speak "watermelon" He is an awesome kid. I know he doesn't just like anybody so it made me feel special that he did like me!
Carter makes me smile and laugh. I wish everyone knew how great he was. LOVE YOU MCKOY!

Kari Sweeten said...

This blog post really touched me. I can't say I know what you're going through because I don't. However, I do know that people need to think about how their actions and words affect others. My sister always tells me she wants to write a book called, "Smart People Say Stupid Things!"
Your lesson will be so great!

DeAnna Dahl Kemple said...

I don,t know why Carter has autism I only know he is blessed to have you and Ivan for his parents.We all love him so much and it really hurts us that people won't try harder to understand him.Many family's are dealing with this as many children have this 1 in 150 have autism,let us all try and help the parents deal with this.Your lesson will be great because you will teach from your heart and they will listen.

bigpapa said...

good job on listing to the spirit!
It seem's to have to knock be down before I listen. Carter is a great boy full of love. something we could all use more of.(love)
teaching from the hart and from your own exsperances is always the way to go. Good luck! U-can do it, you can do it all night long.

Straight to Your Hart said...

How blessed he is to have you as his Mother! You don't realize how difficult trials are until you have to endure them THROUGH your child. Being a Mom is hard work and hurts even more when it is your child...

I feel the left out pain with Sara.. There are days where I wonder what I have done to have her exempt. I can't imagine doing that...and yet I know I have (I hope on accident) done something along that lines...if so..I am so sorry. However I am tired of feeling bad...cause it doesn't seem to bother others. Crap I am worried right now of offending somebody-anybody who may even read this comment. WTH? I need a coke.

Love you!


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