Monday, November 17, 2008

Duck Park Fun

Sundays get pretty boring around our house. What can you do beside go to church? Well we decided to call Bryce and Renee and met them at the Duck Park. Ivan took some video of feeding the ducks. Seriously you have never seen so many ducks. It gets creepy when they are stepping on your feet fighting for bread.
Check out these cute photos that Bryce took of the kids on the playground (I stole them from his facebook)
Morgan loves swinging! She also loved dancing with Uncle Bryce, she really likes him!
Janika being silly in the baby swing!
I wonder if Bryce has sore arms today?


1. Magical Cupcakes from Melanie (always makes me happy)

2. Visiting with Roberta

3. Spending alone time with Ivan last night (kids went to bed early)


Straight to Your Hart said...

Creepy in more ways than one...LOL!!

Looks like you had a good time. Amen to the park!! Glad to bring you some magic to your you bring to mine!!

Anonymous said...

Nope no sore arms!!!I forgot we to the park yesterday....what else did we do??? Wait forget that question.

DeAnna Dahl Kemple said...

Sundays are always more fun when we get our family all together for a family night with food and plenty of visiting. Hope your Mom feels better so I can take my turn.

Marie said...

So, where is that park?


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