Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Dance Pitcures!

We had a wild morning. 9am we droped Carter off at school, 9:15 we took Janika to Whitney's work to get her hair done, 10:30 Janika changed into her dance costume in the car, 10:40 Janika gets to dance for her photo shoot and lesson, at 10:50 Morgan and I leave dance and go to Dicks to get Sara a birthday gift, 11:15 Morgan and I pick Carter up early from school so we can be back to dance on time to pick up Janika, 11:30 we pick Janika up from dance, 11:40 Janika changes out of her costume in the car, 11:50 arrive at Carl's Jr. to have lunch with Melanie and Sara, 12:50 head home.

-good baby that never complains-
-hooter hider-
-priesthood blessings-


Holly said...

Very cute girl! I like the high I get from a BUSY morning :)

I love your mothers day gifts...very nice!

Straight to Your Hart said...

Best part of my day!!! Thank you,love you....mel

melissa said...

wow look at that gorgeous hair. she is so adorable. you did have a busy day. how do you do it all. super mom!


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