Thursday, March 6, 2008

Thursday Thoughts

Ivan in his overalls. Too cute! Ivan wore these to Home Depot and Wal-mart. I still can't get him to wear them to work ;) Ivan informed me that a few ladies have approached him and had commented on his cool overalls. I accused him of wearing them for play.

Fish oil for Carter = he is talking now, he said so many new things today! I have been crying off and on all day because I am just so happy! I had my first real conversation with him today. He is telling me all kinds of stuff and even answering questions. It is like he had all these things to say all along. He even told Ivan to take the pepperoni off his pizza. I am glad my Mom told me about the fish oil, it is amazing and only after one week.

Got my new cell phone today.

Pizza for dinner, no cooking! Sweet!

Young Women's basketball game = forfit and Dairy Queen = my kind of game! Thanks Melanie!

Carter has OCD! HELP!!

I miss Whitney, she is always busy!

Do I really want to take guitar lessons? I hate leaving my little family in the evenings.

Janika, happy, dancing and gone to Wally World with Daddy.

Morgan, content in her bouncy chair.

Why am I watching the sprout channel when my kids are not even home?


Anonymous said...

You are so cute! I am so happy that Carter is talking more. I totally think Ivan is a hottie in those horizontal stripes! How do you keep your hands off of him when he has those on? :)
Don't feel bad about watching Spout TV. I often find myself watching Super Why when no one is around....good stuff.

Have a good one!

Straight to Your Hart said...

What a way to end my day!! Thanks for coming to DQ. The YW are so lucky to have you! Kiwi-stripper! Love you! Mel


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